Wildlife Control

Monday - Saturday 08:00 - 5:00

Sunday - CLOSED

Feral and Wild Animal Removal

Feral cat, wild rabbits, feral hog control in Michigan and Indiana

For feral and wild animal removal. It's best and least expensive to call a professional trapper before you make the animals trap shy, by doing it your self.

Feral and Wild Animal Removal

Feral animals can be found in any neighborhood. Cats kill song birds and wildlife, harass and infect pet cats. They use flower and vegetable gardens as litter boxes, spreading worms to your pets. Feral hogs can destroy gardens and fields overnight.  Wild rabbits can also be very destructive to your lawns, gardens, and landscaping.   Our professional team is aware of the known sicknesses, diseases, and genetic mutations that can occur in feral animals.   

Rabbits can also carry diseases transmitted to humans in two differents ways.  Most common, is through ticks and mites.  These parasites can go from an infested wild animal, then transmit the bacteria to humans.  Less likely, is direct contact with infected rabbits carrying a disease called Tularemia. It can be transmited through bodily fluids either if the animal is alive or dead.

Our technicians have been fully trained to handle these situations with the utmost safety precautions. We handle each capture-relocation situation per customer instructions. However, we ask for compensation for transportation to animal shelters that house or euthanize feral cats. 

Photos of Wild Animal Removal in Michiana: